

Thursday, 18 November 2021







6.               Strategic Reviews of City Centre Access and Council Car Parking


Resolved:  (i)      That the Strategic Review of City Centre Access and associated Action Plan at Annex 1 to the report be approved, including the creation of an Access Officer post.


Reason:     To agree a clear strategy for access to and through the city centre footstreets and approve the action plan (subject to the success of identified funding bids) to implement the improvements to access that have been developed through public and stakeholder engagement.


                   (ii)      That the City Centre Access model set out in the Strategic Review of City Centre Access be approved as a key principle in Local Transport Plan 4.


Reason:     To ensure the council’s strategic priorities are aligned and consistent.


                   (iii)    That the Strategic Review of Council Car Parking and associated Action Plan at Annex 2 be approved.


Reason:     To allow the council to define and invest strategically in its priority car parks and to inform future decisions on which car parks could be used for alternatives uses should future parking demand decline through either market conditions or policy based decisions.


                   (iv)    That it be noted that a future report on whether to re-commence the paused procurement of a contractor to build St George’s Field MSCP will be brought to Executive as part of a wider delivery update on the Castle Gateway project in February 2022.


Reason:     To consider whether to proceed with St George’s Field MSCP in light of the outcomes of the Strategic Review of Council Car Parking, a review of the business case, and the wider progress of the masterplan.


                   (v)     That the Access Officer be asked to bring updates on the progress of implementing the Access Action Plan to the relevant portfolio holder for review.


Reason:     To ensure that the progress of the plan is monitored.


                   (vi)    That more opportunities be explored for blue badge parking on the edge of the footstreets.


Reason:     To increase the availability of blue badge parking close to the city centre where possible.


